Colt Model 1900 Rare Sight Safety 38 Automatic With Low Serial Number ITEM 2153


Item Number 2153 Category

This Colt is a first year production pistol of 1900. The pistol’s serial number is 269. This automatic pistol has the 6 inch barrel chambered for the 38 Auto Cartridge. The bore is in good condition. There is some light pitting present. The lands are strong and serviceable. The sight safety still works correctly and locks into position with strong spring tension. The original bluing would rate a 95% faded bluing. The original wood grips are in fine condition with no damage. The Hammer and sight safety show strong traces of color cased finish. The trigger shows vivid nitre bluing. The original magazine is in very fine to almost new condition. The magazine floor plate has the correct patent date of Sept. 9 1884. This is Colt’s first automatic pistol to be produced. The sight safety variation is quite rare! Most of the latter 1900’s either hat the sight safety made unusable or removed. This is one of the early pistols that the safety still works. Most Model 1900’s found today are in poor condition. This fine condition Colt is certainly a high collector grade pistol that would make any collector proud to own!

Curio&Relic W.H.D. Consn. (3) F. No. 660-661 -23


Contact Seller

You can reach Harry or Marcia by phone at 928-468-0306 or by fax at 928-468-0307. You may also send an email to and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


In Regards to Phone Calls

For those folks that do not know me yet, I’m very hard of hearing on the phone. Therefore when you would call me, I will pick up the phone and tell you that I will call you right back. I have caller ID just so that you know, the reason for that is I cannot use a regular phone. I have to switch over to what is called a voice carry over phone. When I call you back you will hear my voice in our conversation, an operator will type your conversation to me on my phone view screen. With me reading what you are saying to me saves me a lot of confusion for me mishearing words.


I do want to talk to you and answer your questions without mistakes or miscommunications. This system works pretty good, so please be willing to be patient with my hearing loss.


My wife Marcia has fine hearing on the phone and is quite knowledgeable about firearms and is very able to help you over the phone.


Thanks, Harry