ITEM 1790 – SOLD- Winchester M1 Garand Late Series In Near Complete Winchester


Item Number 1790 Category

This Winchester is a late production 1945 Garand. The rifle’s serial number is 2331429. The barrel is by Winchester and it has a very fine bore. It has a Winchester operating rod that has the relief cut. This Winchester is set up to fire and use a grenade launcher. The Winchester stock has the WRA GHD stamp in a box with the ordnance wheel above the trigger housing. There is no other stamps on the stock. The wood is in fine condition with no cracks or damage. The original wood finish is almost all intact. The trigger housing is all Winchester. The front sight is also Winchester. The rear sight is the correct lock bar style. The trigger guard is Winchester coded. The bolt is also Winchester coded. There are some small parts that are not Winchester coded. This Winchester is in very nice condition. The muzzle is not flared out from shooting grenades. This is a lightly used service rifle that has not been through a major overhaul program. The action works smoothly with no issues. The springs are in fine condition with no weakness. This Winchester was purchased from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. I have the pertaining papers and the name of the person that bought this Winchester. This information will go with this rifle. This is a very good looking hard to find Winchester Garand. These Winchester M1 Garands are very rare to find in good condition. Most of these guns have been through some type of rebuild programs and the parts are all mixed up. This Winchester is pretty near complete! This would be a nice rifle for any shooter and military collector to have!


Curio&Relic AREE (3) F. No. 538 -21


Contact Seller

You can reach Harry or Marcia by phone at 928-468-0306 or by fax at 928-468-0307. You may also send an email to and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


In Regards to Phone Calls

For those folks that do not know me yet, I’m very hard of hearing on the phone. Therefore when you would call me, I will pick up the phone and tell you that I will call you right back. I have caller ID just so that you know, the reason for that is I cannot use a regular phone. I have to switch over to what is called a voice carry over phone. When I call you back you will hear my voice in our conversation, an operator will type your conversation to me on my phone view screen. With me reading what you are saying to me saves me a lot of confusion for me mishearing words.


I do want to talk to you and answer your questions without mistakes or miscommunications. This system works pretty good, so please be willing to be patient with my hearing loss.


My wife Marcia has fine hearing on the phone and is quite knowledgeable about firearms and is very able to help you over the phone.


Thanks, Harry